La búsqueda del término saúde ha obtenido 16 resultados
PT Portugués ES Español
saúde (f] física [f) salud {f}
saúde (n) [geral] (f] física [f) salud (n) {f} [geral]
saúde (o) [interjeição] (f] física [f) salud (o) {f} [interjeição]
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) salud (int) {f} [said to somebody who has sneezed]
saúde (int) [toast when drinking] (f] física [f) salud (int) {f} [toast when drinking]
PT Portugués ES Español
saúde (n) [geral] (f] física [f) salubridad (n) {f} [geral]
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) Jesús (int) {m} [said to somebody who has sneezed]
saúde (f] física [f) sanidad
saúde (f] física [f) biotecnología relativa a la salud
saúde (f] física [f) legislación sanitaria
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) santinos (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (int)
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) ¡salud! (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (int)
saúde (int) [said to someone who has just sneezed] (f] física [f) ¡salud! (int) [said to someone who has just sneezed] (int)
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) ¡Jesús! (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (int)
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) ¡santinos! (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (int)
saúde (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (f] física [f) gesúndeit (int) [said to somebody who has sneezed] (int)

'Traducciones del Portugués al Español

PT Sinónimos de saúde ES Traducciones
salubridade [salubridade] f salubridad {f}