La búsqueda del término inflexible ha obtenido 26 resultados
ES Español EN Inglés
inflexible (adj n) [determined; unshakeable; unyielding] adamant (adj n) [determined; unshakeable; unyielding] (formal)
inflexible (adj) [invincible; which cannot be brought down or overcome] undownable (adj) [invincible; which cannot be brought down or overcome] (adj)
inflexible nonelastic
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] tough as nails (a) [comportamiento] (informal)
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] hard as nails (a) [comportamiento] (informal)
ES Español EN Inglés
inflexible (a) [material] unbending (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] unbending (a) [comportamiento]
inflexible (adj) [not giving in] unyielding (adj) [not giving in]
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] unyielding (a) [comportamiento]
inflexible (a) [riguroso] concrete (a) [riguroso]
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] adamant (a) [comportamiento] (formal)
inflexible (a) [material] inelastic (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [riguroso] inflexible (a) [riguroso]
inflexible (a) [material] inflexible (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [comportamiento] inflexible (a) [comportamiento]
inflexible (a) [riguroso] rigid (a) [riguroso]
inflexible (a) [riguroso] ironclad (a) [riguroso]
ES Sinónimos de inflexible EN Traducciones
puntilloso [reparón] 小うるさい (adj)
quisquilloso [reparón] m 几帳面な (adj)
severo [reparón] きつい (adj adv)
exagerado [reparón] 誇張された (adj)
rígido [reparón] 堅い (adj)
duro [cruel] よく (yoku)
sangriento [cruel] 流血の (adj adv v)
recto [riguroso] m 真直ぐな (adj adv n)
exacto [riguroso] 詳しい (adj v)
cruel [avezado] 惨い (adj v)
constante [imperturbable] f 定数 (adj n)
impávido [imperturbable] 恐れない (adj)
seguro [imperturbable] m 確か (adj adv int)
sereno [imperturbable] (tsuyu)
tenaz [severo] 頑強な (adj)
estricto [austero] 厳しい (adj)
frío [indiferente] m 寒冷 (n)
sordo [indiferente] m 耳の聞こえない (mimi-no kikoenai)
tieso [terco] 固い (adj)
EN Inglés ES Español
inflexible (a) [behavior] obstinado (a) [behavior]
inflexible (a) [ironclad] rígido (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [material] rígido (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [ironclad] riguroso (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [behavior] inflexible (a) [behavior]
inflexible (a) [ironclad] inflexible (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [material] inflexible (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [behavior] inexorable (a) [behavior]
inflexible (a) [behavior] inquebrantable (a) [behavior]

'Traducciones del Inglés al Español

EN Sinónimos de inflexible ES Traducciones
solid [characteristic] gedegen
compact [characteristic] (formal dicht
firm [characteristic] hecht
impenetrable [characteristic] onbevattelijk
resistant [characteristic] immuun
hard [characteristic] grimmig
obstinate [stubborn] hardnekkig
headstrong [stubborn] koppig
adamant [stubborn] (formal onvermurwbaar
intractable [stubborn] (formal indociel
wilful [stubborn] eigenzinnig
positive [resolute] constructief
set [resolute] inrichting {f}
strenuous [resolute] veeleisend
rigid [resolute] stabiel
sturdy [resolute] potig
determined [resolute] resoluut
traditional [cautious] traditioneel
unchanging [cautious] gelijk blijvend
conventional [cautious] gebruikelijk