La búsqueda del término comestible ha obtenido 13 resultados
ES Español FR Francés
comestible comestible
comestible (a) [comida] comestible (a) [comida]
comestible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible] comestible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible]
comestible (adj n) [that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption] comestible (adj n) [that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption]
comestible (a) [comida] mangeable (a) [comida]
ES Sinónimos de comestible FR Traducciones
alimento [comida] m hrana {f}
comida [alimento] f hrana {f}
FR Francés ES Español
comestible comestible
comestible (a) [nourriture] comestible (a) [nourriture]
comestible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible] comestible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible]
comestible (adj n) [that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption] comestible (adj n) [that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption]
comestible (a) [nourriture] comible (a) [nourriture]
comestible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible] comible (adj) [suitable to be eaten; edible]

'Traducciones del Francés al Español

FR Sinónimos de comestible ES Traducciones
mangeable [bon à manger] comestible
consommable [bon à manger] agotable (adj)
marchandise [aliment] f mercancías {f}
subsistance [aliment] f subsistencia {f}