La búsqueda del término théorème ha obtenido 6 resultados
FR Francés ES Español
théorème (n v) [mathematical statement that is expected to be true] {m} conjetura (n v) {f} [mathematical statement that is expected to be true]
théorème (n v) [mathematical statement that is expected to be true] {m} suposición (n v) {f} [mathematical statement that is expected to be true]
théorème (n) [mathématique - physique] {m} teorema (n) {m} [mathématique - physique]
théorème (n v) [proved mathematical statement] {m} teorema (n v) {m} [proved mathematical statement]
théorème (n v) [mathematical statement that is expected to be true] {m} especulación (n v) {f} [mathematical statement that is expected to be true]
FR Francés ES Español
théorème (n v) [mathematical statement that is expected to be true] {m} teoría (n v) {f} [mathematical statement that is expected to be true]

'Traducciones del Francés al Español

FR Sinónimos de théorème ES Traducciones
démonstration [argumentation] f demostración {f}
dialectique [argumentation] f dialéctica {f}
logique [argumentation] f lógico
argument [argumentation] m alegato {m}
déduction [argumentation] f descuento {m}
syllogisme [argumentation] m silogismo {m}
raisonnement [argumentation] m manera de pensar {f}
principe [savoir] m dogma {m}
postulat [savoir] m postulado {m}
axiome [savoir] m axiom
vérité [savoir] f hecho {m}